
John Lewis partnership- Is this the key to success?

Would you work for a company that made you a partner in their business? Where you had the right to voice your opinion on how the company was run and received a share of the profits at the end of the year? I know I would! In a business, the managers have the job of creating shareholder value by focusing on profit maximisation to reward the shareholders for their investment in the company however, this does not always happen as sometimes the managers do not always put the interests of the shareholders first. Conversely, John Lewis have quite possibly come up with a genius idea, making their employees partners of the business so that they are the shareholders and they have a more hands on approach to how things are done. This partnership model gives employees part-ownership of the company, shares of annual profits and a say on how things are run. If someone was to give you a cash incentive to do something better and put your time and effort into doing it would you do it? I know for a